
5 Ways Influencer Marketing Trumps Traditional Advertising

Influencer marketing, deemed “the next big thing” by AdWeek, is hitting full stride in 2016. 75% of marketers currently use influencer marketing and 59% of marketing professionals plan to increase influencer budgets in the next 12 months,…

5 Ways to Effectively Repurpose Influencer Content

A whopping 93% of brands use content marketing to populate their social media channels, but according to the Content Marketing Institute 50% of B2C companies say “creating engaging content is a key challenge, second only to measuring content…

Why “Power-Middle” Influencers are Crushing Celebrities

This article originally appeared on Business2Community as "Why 'Power-Middle' Influencers are Crushing Kim Kardashian." Celebrity endorsements have been around forever, but are they being usurped by a new type of authority? The internet has…

The Science Behind Effective Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing delivers results On average, businesses generate $6.50 for every dollar invested in influencer marketing and 51% of marketers found that customers acquired through influencers were of higher quality than their average customers.…

Avoiding Traffic Fraud in Influencer Marketing

There’s a lingering, yet valid, question in influencer marketing circles today - how can we protect click value and combat traffic fraud? Clicks alone used to be enough to prove a campaign was working, but technology today empowers marketers…

Influencer Marketing: Pay per Post or Pay for Results?

Want a successful influencer marketing program? You only need to make one decision. Run a quick Google search on influencer marketing, and pages of headlines will pop up. “10 Steps for the Perfect Influencer Marketing Program,” and “5…

Influencer Marketing is the Answer to Your Ad Blocking Problem

Ad blocking, while a boon to the majority of internet users, will wrinkle the nose of most advertising and marketing folks. At the 2016 Mobile World Congress execs from Yahoo and Google expressed their frustration with ad blocking, positing…

Why Top Influencers Love Working With Linqia

Influencers love working with Linqia, for many reasons. Here’s why Linqia is the best influencer marketing platform for bloggers and influencers to work with. Fast Cash Our influencers's favorite reason to partner with Linqia? We pay FAST. All…

2016: Influencer Marketing’s Year of Accountability

If 2015 was the year that content marketing went mainstream, then 2016 will be the year that influencer marketing is taken seriously. AdWeek has declared it the “next big thing,” and it seems the rest of the marketing industry agrees.…

Top of Funnel 101

(4 min read) The marketing funnel, which can also be referred to as the path to purchase, is essentially the different stages a customer will go through as they decide to purchase your product. Every person embarks on a psychological journey…