5 Ways to Effectively Repurpose Influencer Content

A whopping 93% of brands use content marketing to populate their social media channels, but according to the Content Marketing Institute 50% of B2C companies say “creating engaging content is a key challenge, second only to measuring content effectiveness.” 

Quality content creation is the heart of any successful influencer program, so it’s no surprise marketers are combatting this content drought by increasing their influencer marketing budgets.

Sourcing content from an influencer marketing program is popular for three main reasons:

1)  the content has been tested on real consumers and proven to elicit response

2) the program results have already revealed what types of audiences respond and what types of responses the audience have

3) brands can repurpose influencer-generated content after the program has ended (usually for a predetermined time period, depending on your contract agreement).

Influencer marketing programs can generate hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of pieces of quality, original content. Efficient marketing teams take this content and repurpose it in a variety of ways over time.

Here are five ways brands can repurpose influencer content:

Email Newsletters
86% of millennials say user-generated content is generally a good indicator of the quality of a brand or service. Featuring influencer content in your email communications shows your audience you’re listening and you appreciate them. Consider including testimonials and photographs as provide social proof for interested buyers.

Brand Social Media Accounts
Top brands post on their various social media channels around 15 times per day. From pins and posts to tweets and statuses to vines and snaps, there is a lot of new content to create. Let your influencers do the work by upcycling their original content on brand-owned social media. Added bonus — influencer-created content increases conversions by 10% when included in the online purchase path.

Website Content
Influencer photography is often of a high enough quality to feature on your brand’s website and landing pages. 84% of millennials report influencer-created content on company websites has at least some influence on what they buy, so populate your site’s pages with repurposed influencer content to increase time-on-site.

Paid Social Media Ads
Ads with influencer-created content generate 5-times greater click-through rates. Identify the most successful content from your influencer program and repurpose it to target the same demographic on social media. Influencer content is ideal to put spend behind because it has already been tested within targeted demographics and proven to elicit audience action.

Company Blog Posts
Influencer content is full of information that is relevant or entertaining to your target demographic. Plus, influencers love seeing their content shared, so when you repost it on your blog and credit them for the content,they often link your post back to their blog or share it on their social media channels, driving their audiences back to your brand’s website.

Repurposing influencer content in other digital media efforts is effective, cost-efficient, and often returns better results than brand-created content.

June brought Cannes, VidCon, a slew of Instagram and TikTok release including AI avatars,