With 300 million daily active users, Instagram is one of the most popular social networks for sharing photos and videos, particularly about travel, fashion, food, and art. Brands are drawn to Instagram’s ability to capture an audience’s attention with a single photo or video. But did you know that Instagram recently rolled out a new algorithm system-wide that no longer populates feeds chronologically? Instead, feeds are ordered by photos and videos the app believes users care about most (not a major surprise considering Instagram’s parent company is Facebook).  As a result, simply posting more photos does not guarantee an audience. Posting quality photos that inspire engagement, however, does.

Influencer programs perform best when there is strategy involved. Staying up-to-date with Instagram’s newest features is one way to ensure you create posts and updates that capture the audience’s attention and inspire action. We caught up with Linqia’s Influencer Success Team for their advice on posting to Instagram. Here are their top four things to keep in mind:

  1. Photography Styles. We’re all familiar with Instagram’s filters, but before you slap a little Valencia or Clarendon on the photo, try experimenting with photography styles. Macro photography is great for closeups when you want to show rich details, like the perfectly melted cheese in your favorite food shots. And don’t forget the rule of thirds, particularly when shooting landscapes for travel programs or product shots for fashion and lifestyle programs. 
  2. Bio Links. Remember, Instagram doesn’t allow clickable links in captions or comments so don’t waste your time by placing your story link there. Instead, include your ooh.li link or link to the program landing page in your bio and encourage your followers to learn more by clicking your bio link. 
  3. Moving Content. Switching up the format can increase engagement. According to Adobe, consumers who view a video are nearly 2X more likely to make a purchase than those who don’t. Videos are particularly effective for how-to’s and tutorials that require multiple steps (ex: recipes, makeup tips, etc.). Instagram supports videos up to 60 seconds so plan your content accordingly. Don’t need all that time? Try Boomerang for Instagram, an app that takes a series of photos and strings them together for a .gif feel. 
  4. Strategic Hashtags. Don’t hashtag just to hashtag – adding relevant hashtags to your post captures a wider audience. Make sure you include the program hashtag(s) and others that are relevant to the content. Strategic hashtags ensure your posts come off as authentic, receive the right attention, and send followers to appropriate content.

One of the reasons our influencers love working with Linqia is that they’re empowered to take control of their earning potential. The better the content performs and the more action it inspires from the audience, the higher the earnings. 

Keep these four things in mind and you’ll be well on your way to increasing engagement and optimizing your programs on Instagram.

Instagram Optimization