Pinterest is among the most popular social media sites in the world. Brands are especially drawn to Pinterest because its focus on visual elements has the ability to inspire followers to make a purchase. In fact nearly 75% of Pinterest users have purchased something they saw on the platform. As a result, sharing sponsored photos and posts on Pinterest can increase content visibility, reach, and engagement.

Influencer content generates the most engagement when shared strategically. We checked in with Linqia’s Influencer Success Team for their advice on sharing sponsored content on Pinterest. Keep these 7 tips in mind when posting sponsored pins to drive more traffic to your blog stories, increase engagement, and attract new followers.

Include the Most Repinned Words: Pins with certain words in the description are more likely to be repinned. Include one or more of these words in the pin description whenever possible: cut, bake, mix, recipe, bottle, cheese, step, chicken, cake, minutes.

Use the Most Pinned Words: Some words are more likely trigger a follower to pin your image to their own Pinterest boards. Include these words in the image captions when applicable: love, home, like, art, style, books, places, ideas, wedding, words.

Post to Multiple Boards: Pin your sponsored content to multiple boards to garner the most repins and likes. Your followers may only visit one of your boards, so pinning in several boards will raise visibility.

Pin on Group Boards: Increase the reach of your sponsored content by pinning it to a group board with a theme related to your blog story. This allows people who might not follow you to discover your content in a contextually meaningful way.

Consider Text Overlays: Use a graphic design program like Photoshop or Canva to overlay text onto your program images. Pins with text overlays are more likely to be repinned and liked by followers.

Time it Right: Post sponsored content pins between 2pm to 4pm and 8pm to 1am in your time zone to reach the most followers. Saturday is the best day to pin for maximum engagement. You can also check your Pinterest Analytics in your profile to see if there are additional spikes in your follower engagement.

Pay Attention to Description Length: Limit descriptions to 100 to 200 characters describing the image or web page the pin links to as this description length is most likely to be repinned.

Influencers love collaborating with Linqia because they’re given control of their earning potential for each program. The more followers inspired by your Pinterest content to click through and learn more, the greater your potential earnings can be.

Keep these 7 tips top of mind and to increase engagement with your sponsored pins while drawing new followers to your content.
