
Influencer Marketing & SEO: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Influencer marketing is on fire. 81% of marketers say influencer engagement is effective and another 51% believe it attracts better quality customers than other channels. Brands and agencies use influencer marketing to raise awareness and…

How to Pick the Right Influencer Marketing Partner

By now, it’s clear that influencer marketing is not just another buzzword. Not when three out every four marketers use influencer marketing in some capacity or when nearly 60% plan to increase their influencer marketing budgets in the next…

5 Strategies for Repurposing Influencer Content

Ad blocking adoption in the U.S. is growing at a rate of nearly 50% year over year, equating to $21.6 billion in lost ad revenue in 2015. 84% of Millennials admit that they do not like advertising and fewer than 3% trust TV news and magazines.…

Using Influencer Marketing as a Long-Term, Strategic Approach to Increasing Memorability

  The human brain is a wondrous thing. If compared to a computer hard drive, the brain is estimated to have a memory storage capacity of 2.5 petabytes (1 petabyte is 1 million gigabytes). And yet, even with so much memory capacity, we…

Linqia Named 2016 OMMA Award Finalist in Two Categories

We are proud to announce Linqia has been named a 2016 MediaPost OMMA Awards Finalist in two categories – 1) Online Advertising Creativity: User-Generated Content; and 2) Online Marketing: Hispanic Marketing Campaign. The OMMA Awards is an…

Why Your Brand Should Want A Storied Past

Take a moment and think of the last meeting you were in. Do you remember what was said? Unless you’re a robot, odds are you’ve forgotten at least half of the discussion. The average brain will forget 46% of a conversation after 20 minutes;…

Approving Influencer Content Hurts More Than It Helps

Note: This article first appeared in Adweek's SocialTimes. According to Millennial Branding, a stunning 97 percent of millennials today don’t turn to TV news or magazines to influence their purchasing decisions, which doesn’t bode…

3 Ways Influencer-Generated Content Tops Branded Content

People are weary of branded content. 92% of consumers trust recommendations from others, even from those they don’t personally know, over branded content. On top of that, 70-80% of online users completely ignore paid ads in search of organic…

5 Ways to Effectively Repurpose Influencer Content

A whopping 93% of brands use content marketing to populate their social media channels, but according to the Content Marketing Institute 50% of B2C companies say “creating engaging content is a key challenge, second only to measuring content…