Who’s That Linqian: Bill Sloan, National Director of Shopper Marketing

Linqia is a vibrant environment of dedicated team members who work together to drive the company to be the leader in influencer marketing. Each month we bring to you one of our best and brightest. For our second Who’s That Linqian, we sat down with our National Director of Shopper Marketing in Arkansas, Bill Sloan.

Bill at Work

Q: What’s your position?

A: National Director of Shopper Marketing

Q: Tell me about your role.

A: I focus on strategically integrating Linqia’s product with Shopper Marketers on both the client and agency side, to ensure we are the go-to supplier of Influencer Marketing and Content creation as a part of their Retail Activation plans.

Q: Describe Linqia with one word.

A: Storyteller

Q: What’s your favorite core value and why?

A: Be Human.  At its core, all marketing is about connecting with people on an emotional level.  This value embodies that fundamental element of what we mean to our clients and represents guiding light in how we treat each other and our partners.

Q: What’s your favorite part of your day?

A: Early morning.  I like the productivity I can realize early in the day, before emails back up and the executional work begins.  The morning is not only quiet but allows for curiosity. A time to see something different or in a new light. Revisiting a proposal from the night before always yields an improvement in the light of day.

Q: Why do you think influencer marketing is so important?

A: It is a tool for marketers to generate effective communication to meet their transactional goals across a wide landscape of tactics.

Q: What is Linqia’s culture like?

A: Young, innovative, always learning.

Q: Why do you work at a startup?

A: Quick decisions and a bias for action, unencumbered by history.


Bill’s Fun Facts

Q: What are you passionate about outside of work?

A: Music.

Q: Hidden talent?

A: I’m a decent guitar player and work to get better every day.  And I can juggle well enough to make you think I had few friends in High School.

Q: What would you like to be famous for?

A: Making a difference in young peoples’ lives.

Q: Ping pong or foosball? And which Linqian would you like to challenge.

A: Ping Pong for sure. It’s an old game of dexterity and strategy, that rewards practice, patience, and physical ability.  Foosball is a table game, mastered by “Drunken Frat Paddles” to impress other “Dude Bros”. Mike Butruce. And I’d maintain eye contact throughout the game to express dominance.

June brought Cannes, VidCon, a slew of Instagram and TikTok release including AI avatars,