Linqia Partners with Netbase Quid

Linqia has partnered with NetBase Quid to bring sophisticated social listening analysis to the influencer marketing space, informing influencer identification, creative strategy and measurement of a brand’s share of voice.

“Understanding what’s happening in the social sphere at both the brand and category level unlocks a trove of valuable data,” says Daniel Schotland, COO of Linqia. “Our content and influencer strategy is shaped by that real time data, leading to more successful and measurable influencer programs.”

This data informs Linqia activations across several key areas including:

  1. The topics that are gaining the most steam on social media within a category or key topic of interest
  2. The voices that are best suited to shape that conversation
  3. The impact influencer programs have on brand share of the social conversation

“The world has evolved where brands no longer control the social conversation,” says Kimberly Surico, Director of Marketing at NetBase Quid. “Consumers will give every topic a life of its own, what the brand can do is understand how the conversation is evolving and contribute to deliver real value, possibly even helping steer its direction with the right influencer partners”.

Linqia integrates NetBase Quid data into influencer campaigns with preferred partners, thus providing the benefits of social listening data to Linqia partners at no additional cost. Social listening data informs the influencer strategy at the onset of a program, and enables constant monitoring of how that conversation has changed over the course of the activation.

“This is very powerful data, and our mission is to make sure it provides a more sophisticated and intentional strategy to each and every influencer program we run,” adds Schotland. “The more our decisions are backed by data, the more confident our partners can be in the results.”

You’ve done everything you should when putting together your latest influencer marketing campaign. You