Videos are the most engaging type of online content. Consumers are 56% more likely to engage with video content over images and text and 39% more likely to share videos with their audiences. As a result, 87% of online marketers use video content, and brands and agencies are increasingly interested in influencer programs that use video to tell a story.

Unfortunately, despite the numbers favoring video content, a recent iBlog survey revealed that video ranks near the top of influencers’ disinterested list. Influencers who want to increase their earning potential should educate themselves on new storytelling channels and embrace those channels as a fun challenge, rather than a chore. Making quality videos for a sponsored post can increase your odds of receiving more sponsorship opportunities in the future.

Not sure where to start? You came to the right place. This guide features tips from real Linqia influencers who know what it takes to create a quality video that inspires action.

Gather the Right Tools

First, gather the tools you will need to make your video look as professional as possible.

You don’t a fancy camera (unless you already have one!) as there are plenty of simple tricks to make high quality smartphone videos.

Lights – Linqia influencer Little Tech Girl has some great tips to getting the right lighting: “Position your camera so that lighting is in front of you. An overhead fixture above you may cause a bright spot and lighting behind you will cause a shadow on your face. Also, to have have lights on in all four corners of the room for the best image.”

Microphone Little Tech Girl also suggests a microphone. “Quality sound is so important to a great video, which is why you need a mic,” she says. “Prevent errors by testing your microphone before hand.” Lavalier mics are relatively affordable and there are special adapter cords if you find a great mic that isn’t made for smartphones.

Tripod – If you’re shooting a tutorial and or recipe video, it’s best practice to film from a top down angle so the audience can see all of the action and easily follow every step. Buzzfeed’s Tasty only uses this angle and it saw 1.88 billion views in June, the most video views of any Facebook publisher. If you’re using your smartphone to shoot, you might want to invest in a tripod with a smartphone adapter.

Plan Your Content

“When vlogging, you don’t want to simply turn on the camera and start talking,” says Linqia influencer Thinking Outside the Sandbox. “You’ll want to be prepared as far as the content of your video.”

Start by looking at your website’s analytics to identify your most popular posts and use them as inspiration for video topics. Popular video types include:

  • How-to tutorials
  • Before and afters
  • Unboxings
  • Interviews
  • Countdowns or lists
  • Ride-alongs or tours

“Don’t just throw up meaningless videos – have a point in each video that you create,” says Thinking Outside the Sandbox. “Include a call-to-action for each video that you put on your site, especially sponsored videos.” She also recommends “fleshing out your topic and creating a basic outline of your content in advance, as this will help keep you on track as you create your video.

Polish It Up

All videos can benefit from some editing. If you don’t want to invest in software like Adobe Premier or Final Cut, there are affordable smartphone and tablet apps for rearranging videos and adding visual filters.

One edit that needs to make the cut is a disclosure slide or graphic at the beginning of all sponsored videos that discloses you are being compensated to create the content. Also, don’t use copyrighted songs because brands cannot use or share them on their own websites or social channels.

Share on Social

Share, share, share! Videos are an important of social media engagement as users are a lot more likely to engage with and share social posts with videos. But make sure you do your homework – each social channel uses video differently to inspire engagement.

YouTubeIf you don’t already have a YouTube account, creating one is quick and easy! Hosting your videos on YouTube makes it convenient to embed them in your website and share on other social networks.

Facebook Video posts in Linqia programs see 1.6x more engagement than text or image posts, so always include your link when posting your sponsored video to your Facebook newsfeed. Upload the raw video file (not a Youtube link) like you would a photo so that it will autoplay on your feed and get prioritized in your friends’ newsfeeds.

For increasing engagement with your followers, The Work At Home Wife suggested using Facebook Live, because “it allows viewers to ask questions and provide feedback in real time. There’s no better way to connect with your audience, plus you can add the link to your blog post for those who want to learn more.”

TwitterIncrease engagement on Twitter by including a video with your unique link. However, keep in mind that Twitter has a length limit of around 2 minutes per video and a character limit of 140. If you need more video time or text for your update, Periscope, Twitter’s livestream video integration, enables you to create and post longer video content and link it to your Twitter feed.

For sponsored videos, Love Life Surf  advises to always “give a call to action [because] if you want your audience to do something, you have to explicitly ask them — politely of course!”

InstagramVideos on Instagram are limited to 60 seconds, but Jenn’s Blah Blah recommends using stop-motion videos to make these snippets count. “The stop motion plays up the entertainment aspect of micro-videos. They draw attention to how creative the marketing efforts can be, and emphasize the brand. This video should inspire likes and shares based on their inherent innovation and cute styles.”

PinterestAlways cross-promote sponsored videos to Pinterest with your link in the description. Pinterest is a great place for those top down tutorials, especially recipes and crafts.

With video playing such a major role in business strategies today, you can step your game up by improving your video-making skills. Not only will it help you provide more value to your audience, but it also ups engagement, sharing, and earnings in a Linqia program. The only way to get ahead is by getting started.

Do you have some great video tips you’d like to share? Post a video on the Liniqa Facebook and show us what you’re working with!