Back-to-school season is a fun and exciting time for kids, marking another year of growth and independence. It’s also an extremely busy and memorable time for parents and many have found that creating back-to-school stories is a great way to document the frantic and joyous energy that accompanies a child before their first day back in school – from the nerves of learning new subjects to the thrills of trying a new sport and seeing friends again.

Often times, Linqia programs come up that perfectly complement back-to-school season. Our recent program with Goldfish enabled parents to incorporate the beloved snack with fun back-to-school posts. The following 5 stories show unique ways that Linqia influencers have captured their child’s back-to-school moments while participating in a sponsored program. Take a look for some inspiration to start your own back-to-school post!

1. Incorporate the product into a fun game

Think of a way to turn the product into a fun and engaging game for the kids (and you!). We’ve seen everything from ring toss to treasures hunts – Jessica of Young at Heart Mommy even added an extra twist and created back-to-school bingo! She used the Goldfish crackers as game pieces and turned Bingo into a great chance to bond with her kids after school.

“One of our favorite ways to get in a little one-on-one time after school is to play a game or start a family puzzle. Not only do these encourage communication and teamwork, they’re also a great way to unwind before starting homework. Plus, anything that involves edible playing pieces is a winner in our book!”

2. Make homework time enjoyable

We all know that it’s not always easy getting the kids away from playtime and ready for homework time. To ease the transition, spruce up your child’s homework space with an organized box filled with all the supplies they’ll need to get an A, including hidden Goldfish snacks! Your audience will love to learn different ways to keep work time fun and engaging, as well as how the program product benefits a solid study session.

Alicia of Making Time For Mommy shares her tips: “My children start on homework while having a snack so it only made sense to stock their homework caddy with one of their favorites – Goldfish® crackers. I love these individual serving sized packages because it limits how much the boys can eat for snack. (I also love being able to grab a package for myself so I can enjoy a quick snack while I sit at the table with them!)”

3. Have a real conversation over a snack

Lisa of Fun Money Mom knows how important it is to talk with your children, especially as they get older. She shares 35 questions to ask your child after school that will elicit more than a “fine” response. On top of these conversation sparkers, she says that having the conversation over a snack such as Goldfish helps break the after school fog.

“Do you ask your child about their day, only to get a response of “fine”? Do you ask what they did in school and just get told “stuff” or even worse, “nothing”? I’ve learned that if I want to get a meaningful answer from my kids, I have to come up with more creative questions. Now I can bond with my girls over snack time while I find out how their day really was.”

4. Share your personal connection with the brand

If you have a personal bond with the brand, such as Courtney of A+ Life has with Goldfish, don’t be afraid to share it! Her daughter has enjoyed Goldfish crackers since she was little, and as Courtney reminisced about her daughter, she wove in sentimental thoughts about how quickly her daughter was growing up.

“It is absolutely mind boggling to me that my baby girl is heading into 2nd (SECOND!!!) grade this year. Even just taking and looking at these pictures made me stop and tear up a bit at just how much she has grown already and how quickly she is still growing. But even though she is growing so much, so quickly, one thing she hasn’t outgrown, is her love of Goldfish® snack crackers!”

5. Show how the product is a perfect companion on your end of summer adventures

Brands really appreciate the extra mile an influencer will go, especially if this means literally taking their product on the road! Kristen of Whiskey Tango Foxtrot takes her readers on a family nature walk before school starts again and highlights how easy it is to bring Goldfish along as a snack for her daughter and husband. She also gives suggestions of fun activities to do with the family before the craziness of school starts.

“One of my family’s favorite things to do together is go on a nature walk outside. We head to our favorite park, grab some drinks and snacks, and walk around looking for wildlife. Sometimes I’ll print out a quick nature scavenger hunt and we will go around seeing who can find the most items. I look forward to creating these smile-worthy moments and slowing down a little together as a family.”