Linqia influencers, old and new, are familiar with the link, Linqia’s proprietary link shortener prefix. Incorporating links into each program is important for two reasons: 1) all valid traffic from your posts are driven through these links; and 2) Linqia influencers are compensated based on the amount of traffic they drive. As a result, correct placement and usage of links is the most effective way to maximize earnings in Linqia programs.

We’ve put together a list of best practices to help you incorporate your links into your next Linqia program:

Share your personal link

The most important rule of using links is to only use the one personalized for the program’s landing page. If you drive traffic using a link other than your link you won’t be compensated for traffic driven to the page through that link.

Each program generates a new unique link, so make sure you are not reusing links from a previous program when accepting a new opportunity. Traffic driven through links from previous programs or through another influencer’s link will not be compensated. If you can’t find your link in your Linqia dashboard, read this short tutorial or reach out to your program support team for help.

Use link shorteners carefully

If you’d rather use a link shortening service like or in your posts, make sure to shorten your links, not the program landing page URL, as Linqia’s platform still counts clicks on links processed in link shorteners. However, it’s important to keep in mind that services like will show a higher click count than links because they do not filter out bot and fraud traffic. As a result, it’s not uncommon for click counts and click counts to differ. For more on Linqia traffic filtering, read our Help Center article, “Click Count Explained.

Link your at least 3 times

Remember, you only get paid if your gets clicked. Placing your link in at least 3 areas of your post increases the likelihood of readers clicking through to the program landing page. Linqia influencers find the most engagement when they link in the beginning (in the headline or first sentence), middle (in the meat of the story) and end (in the call-to-action for more info) of a post. The call to action is a critical linking spot because it lets the audience know what’s fun, informative, or rewarding on the brand landing page and inspires them to click through.

Link phrases rather than words

Rather than linking individual words, we recommend linking phrases instead. Linking phrases can increase traffic as they are more noticeable and give your readers a wider target to aim their cursor. It’s also a good idea to link action phrases, particularly those relating to program landing page content, to encourage readers to take action. For example, in a pasta sauce program with extra recipes on the landing page it’s better to link  the phrase “Check out other ways to use this sauce” rather than just “sauce,” or “dinner.”

Always link images

Include photos in all of your Linqia program posts and link them with your unique link. Research shows that images have a positive impact on content – colored visuals increase someone’s willingness to read an article by 80% and content with relevant images get 94% more views than content without relevant images. We recommend four or more images per post as past programs show that influencers see increased engagement in posts with four or more photos,  If you’re not sure how to link an image, read this quick tutorial from the Linqia Help Center.

Include in all social media posts

Including your link in all your social posts related to the program is another great way to drive traffic. Link program pins with links on Pinterest or include them in Facebook posts and tweets on Twitter. Because Instagram does not support live links in the photo captions, many influencers put the link in their profile bios and direct followers there in the captions of program Instagram posts. Note that some programs discourage certain types of social posts, so check social linking appropriateness with the support team before the start of each program.

Do not post in “click groups” or ask for anyone to click your link

While it is important to have a strong call to action that encourages readers to learn more, it is against the Linqia Terms of Use to directly ask readers to click on the link just so you can receive compensation, which is the purpose of most click groups. Brands love working with Linqia influencers because of their ability to inspire action through amazing stories, beautiful photography, and organically grown relationships with their audiences. Asking for clicks (or using euphemisms like “help me keep the lights on around here,”) is not a sign of a truly influenced consumer and is therefore not allowed. If you need help constructing a compelling call to action, reach out to the program support team for inspiration.

Learn more tips about improving program content and sharing strategies for increased earnings at the Linqia Help Center or share  your tips for driving more traffic on our Facebook page or tweet us at @LinqiaCommunity!