
Linqia is
a community of passionate, smart, forward-thinking people looking
to make a big impact.

At Linqia we encourage a culture of learning and professional growth. With us, you’re not just doing a job, you’ll be immersed in a variety of projects and experiences, be well-positioned to get in-depth exposure and develop valuable skills, as well as access to mentorship by some of the best leaders in our industry.

The first thing that you will notice when joining Linqia is not a product nor a process, but rather a feeling. It is the feeling of warmth and welcome, excitement and innovation. It is the feeling of validation and being heard. In other words, it’s a feeling of belonging to a place that has a whole different energy from the rest of the breakneck startup space. But that makes sense, doesn’t it? For a company whose North Star is a starfish and whose values include “act like an owner” and “be human.”

Want to work with us? Check out our open positions.

Our Core Values

Be Human



We lead with our hearts and celebrate the human spirit. It’s important to us to create spaces that allow inclusivity, equity and authenticity to flourish. The human element is at the core of every touchpoint and translates into authentic and meaningful experiences.

We are intentional and committed to creating the greatest experience possible for every person we collaborate with – our employees, customers, influencers, partners and the greater community.

Run it like you own it—because you do. Yes our teams have leaders but everyone has a voice and all are heard. Micromanaging is not in our vocabulary. We hire the best and give you the freedom to work in your style for amazing results.




When you’re a start-up, new challenges rise up on the daily. It’s exciting and requires resourcefulness. Look for solutions, drive consensus, be enthusiastic.

We thrive on adapting and innovating. We keep our finger on the pulse of the social media industry. We move fast, learn from it, adjust and improve. We’re nimble, flexible and move as fast as the latest hashtag trend.

We start with the end in mind. We align to our customer’s north star and set goals to deliver success. We gather all available data and optimize continuously to produce results that matter and insights that inform.


Our value, “create great experiences,” includes the wellbeing of our team. At Linqia, you will be supported, respected, and gain access to a bunch of perks that can set you up for a pretty sweet life.

  • Medical, vision & dental, plus $300,000 in life insurance
  • Have a vested interest in your success
  • Take the time when you need it
  • Start saving for your retirement today
  • We love friendly competitions, and the prizes are legit
  • Work from home or join our team at the office for quality face-to-face time