How to Be a Digital Entrepreneur

Lorraine Ladish, owner of the Latina lifestyle blog Viva Fifty!, aims her content at men and women over 50 years old who want to live life to the fullest. She has hit her program milestone in all of her Linqia collaborations and shares how…

Strategies to Grow Blog Readership and Traffic

Blogging is more popular than ever, with 6.7 million blogs published worldwide. And when nearly 70% of US online consumers trust information and advice from blogs, it’s no wonder they are such an important part of influencer marketing programs…

The Importance of Disclosure in Sponsored Content

The Importance of Disclosures in Influencer Sponsored Content... Have you ever wondered why we require influencers to include a disclosure pixel on their stories or the hashtags #sponsored and/or #ad before the unique “” link on…

Linqia’s Team and Influencers Participate in #ShareYourHero

Think about the women who have inspired your life – mothers, grandmothers, best friends, mentors, sisters, etc. These women are our everyday heroes and maybe they don’t always get the thanks and recognition they deserve for impacting our…

How to Crush a Sponsored Program

Catherine Pappas, a food blogger and owner of Living the Gourmet has participated in over 20 Linqia programs with great success. Catherine shares her advice for reaching your program milestone, finding your tribe, and finding creativity in sponsored…

4 Tips to Better Match with Quality Influencer Programs

Linqia’s goal is to connect brands with quality influencer who are passionate about creating honest and compelling content for their audiences. We work with brands of all shapes and sizes from CPG brands like Nestle and Mezzetta to hospitality…

Capturing Childhood: How to Take Beautiful Photos of Your Little Ones

From diapers to summer camps, many Linqia programs feature children as a central part of the story. Including clear, well composed photos of children in these stories is key to engaging an audience and drawing them into the content.  But getting…

5 Memorable Influencer Stories from Gerber Good Start

Last summer, Linqia Storytellers partnered with Gerber Good Start to activate an influencer marketing campaign around real parents finding joy in everyday life with their newborns and infants. This program promoted Gerber’s ongoing #FormulaForHappiness…

How to Take Mouthwatering Food Pics

The internet is a mostly visual medium, and any content creator can attest to the importance of displaying amazing photography in attracting engagement and new followers. This is especially true for websites and social channels which frequently…

Tips for Self-Hosting a Giveaway on your Linqia Campaign

So you’re thinking about self-hosting a giveaway with Linqia – how exciting! It may seem daunting or very time consuming but self-hosting a giveaway can be stress free and dare I say it, fun. Giveaways are a great way to indulge your…